پاورپوینت Workshop Getting Published Lecture 2

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موضوع : Workshop Getting Published Lecture 2
فرمت فایل : پاورپوینت ( PPT ) قابل ویرایش
تعداد اسلاید : 34
قابل ارائه و مناسب بعنوان تحقیق کلاسی

بخشی از متن این پاورپوینت :

People needs in the urban landscape: Analysis of Landscape And Urban Planning contributions (2007)
    The articles published in Landscape and Urban Planning during the past 16 years provide valuable insights into how humans interact with outdoor urban environments. This review paper explores the wide spectrum of human dimensions and issues, or human needs, addressed by 90 of these studies. As a basis for analysis, the major themes tapped by the findings were classified into two overarching groups containing three categories each. The Nature needs, directly linked with the physical features of the environmental setting, were categorized in terms of contact with nature, aesthetic preference, and recreation and play. The role of the environment is less immediate in the Human-interaction group, which includes the issues of social interaction, citizen participation in the design process, and community identity. Most significantly, the publications offer strong support for the important role nearby natural environments play in human well-being. Urban settings that provide nature contact are valuable not only in their own right, but also for meeting other needs in a manner unique to these more natural settings. In addition, although addressed in different ways, remarkable similarities exist concerning these six people requirements across diverse cultures and political systems. Urban residents worldwide express a desire for contact with nature and each other, attractive environments, places in which to recreate and play, privacy, a more active role in the design of their community, and a sense of community identity. The studies reviewed here offer continued evidence that the design of urban landscapes strongly influences the well-being and behavior of users and nearby inhabitants

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دسته بندی: کالاهای دیجیتال » رشته معماری (آموزش_و_پژوهش)

تعداد مشاهده: 2661 مشاهده

فرمت محصول دانلودی:.zip

فرمت فایل اصلی: ppt

تعداد صفحات: 34

حجم محصول:642 کیلوبایت

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"فارسفایل"سال1391 به عنوان اولین مرکز ارائه فروش محصولات دیجیتال با هدف کارآفرینی تاسیس گردید. این حوزه با افزایش آنلاین شاپ ها در کسب کارهای اینترنتی بخش بزرگی از تجارت آنلاین جهانی را در این صنعت تشکیل داده است. حال بستری مناسب برای راه اندازی فروشگاه کسب کار شما آماده شده که امکان فروش محتوا و محصولات دیجیتالی شما وجود دارد.

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آدرس: گناباد، بخش مرکزی، شهرک فرهنگیان، بلوار استقلال، بلوار امام سجاد پلاک70 طبقه_همکف کدپستی9691944367
(ساعت پاسخگویی 7صبح الی 24شب)

تلفن تماس051-57261834 ایمیلfarsfile@gmail.com ارسال پیام در تلگـــرام

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